
 A selection of pictures of aircraft seen at Croydon throughout it's history


The Druine D.31 Turbulent is a French single-seat ultralight Homebuilt aircraft designed by Roger Druine (1921–1958) was a French aviator and light aircraft designer. Druine was born in 1921 at Pont-Sainte-Maxence and built his first aircraft age 16. He went on to design a series of small aircraft for amateur construction. Druine died on 19 March 1958 at age 37. The D.31 Turbulent was designed to be amateur-built and is a single-seat ultra-light aircraft with cantilever low-wing and fixed tailwheel landing gear. Designed to be powered by a 30hp (1200cc) Volkswagen or similar engine. The fuselage uses wood construction. Rollason Aircraft & Engines Limited produced 29 factory-built D.31 aircraft in the United Kingdom and three D.31A models with strengthened wing spar in order to get a full British certificate of Airworthiness. Five Turbulents are operated by the Tiger Club in 2008.

The rights to plans for the design are held by the UK Light Aircraft Association

 (below) Druine D31 Turbulent. August 1959

 (above) Trial flight at Croydon of a Turbulent by her builder Noman Jones on the 2nd of June 1958.

 (above) 'Druine D31 (Turbulent) picture taken 1958