
 A selection of pictures of aircraft seen at Croydon throughout it's history

  Westland Aircaft Works

Westland Aircraft was a British aircraft manufacturer located in Yeovil, Somerset. Formed as a separate company by separation from Petters Limited just before the start of the World War II, Westland had been building aircraft since 1915. During the war the company produced a number of generally unsuccessful designs, but their Lysander would serve as an important liaison aircraft with the Royal Air Force. After the war the company focused on helicopters, and was merged with several other British firms to create Westland Helicopters in 1961.

 Westland Limousine

 (above) 'Westland Limousine'. 1920.

  (below) Westland Limousine 1930


 Westland Wessex

 (above and below) Westland Wessex. 1929

 (below) Westland Wessex 1930's.