
 A selection of pictures of aircraft seen at Croydon throughout it's history


 The Société des Avions Marcel Bloch was a French aircraft manufacturer of military and civilian aircraft that changed its name to Dassault Aviation after the end of World War II. It was founded by Marcel Bloch (hence "MB" in the aircraft designations) who changed his name to Marcel Dassault (as in char d'assaut, French for "assault tank") due to persecution of Jews under the Vichy French regime.

 Bloch 220

 (above & below) 'Bloch 220' F-AOHE 'Aunis'. early 1938.

 (above) 'Bloch 220'. late 1940's

 (above) on the tarmac apron 1939. Two 'Air France' 'Bloch 220' aircraft, and a 'Lufthansa' 'Condor' aircraft.

 (above) 1938. Bloch 220

 Bloch G27

 (above) 'Bloch G27'. 1938