
 A selection of pictures of aircraft seen at Croydon throughout it's history

 The De Havilland DH Chipmunk

 Click on the blue underlined names for links

 the DH Moth's

 the 'DH 82 Tiger Moths'

the 'DH84 Dragon' 

 the 'DH86 Dragon Express'

 the 'DH89 Dragon Rapide'

 the DH90 Dragonfly

 the 'DH Doves & Herons'

A link to the rest of the De Havilland's

 (above) an ex RAF 'DHC1 Chipmunk', on the tarmac in 1955.

 (below) Vendair Chipmunk ex WB572

 (above) another day and another group in the same hangar. L to R .... 'Beechcraft Bonanza', 'Auster Aiglet' and a 'DHC1 Chipmunk'.

 (above) 'DHC1 Chipmunk' converted by Rollasons for the 'Airways Aero Association'.

 (above) a 'DH Chipmunk'. 1957.

 (below) Chipmunk ex WD290.


 (below) Chipmunks July 1956