A picture of a Junkers G24 flying
for Europa Union, operated by LURAG - Luftverkehrsgesellschaft
Ruhrgebiet A.G. with Swedish registrations from 08/1925 until
1926. Junkers was restricted in constructing airplanes with a
certain engine power. Therefore this Junkers plane - c/n 850
- like others was assembled as a G23 at Junkers in Dessau in
Germany, then transfered to Junkers affiliate in Sweden AB Flygindustri
in Limhamn where it was modified into a G24 and transferred back
to Germany for use by the German airlines. In 1926 the registration
was changed to D-896. Also in 1926 LURAG and other airline companies
merged to become Deutsche Lufthansa. The picture was taken at
Croydon. |