Events of special interest at the airfield over the years

 Misc's Famous Visitors

 Page One


 (above) Charlie Chaplin. 1920.

 (below) Lord Leverholme. May 1920. Card.




 (below) 1925. Anthony Fokker inspects an aircraft wing.




 (above) Levine. USA millionaire. 1927


 (above) 'The Windmill Plane Arrives At Croydon'. 1927. Senor de la Cierva arrives at Croydon in the latest type of Autogyro machine (built locally by the British Cierva company). He hopes to make the first cross Channel flight to Paris tomorrow.

 (below) 1927 Schneider Trophy team visit


 (above) Chamberlin greeted by USA Embassy officials. 1927


 (above) Josephine Baker. 1928

 (above) Af Amanullah. 1928


(above) Arrival at Croydon of the Sultan of Muscat in September 1928. 


 (above and below) Alfred Lowenstein boarding a Fokker. 1928.



 (above) Russian plane 'Wings Of The Soviet' on tour visiting the chief capitols of Europe arrives from Rome. Women members of the Russian organisations in England present boquets to the two pilots. 30th of July 1929.


 (below) 1930. Douglas Fairbanks and his wife Mary Pickford, with her brother Jack Pickford and Lady Louis Mountbatten leaving for Paris.

 (above) Douglas Bader with his Gloster Gamecock at Croydon. 1930

 (below) 2nd of March 1930. Miss Gladdy Sewell comedienne and the Macari Brothers leaving for Paris.


 (below) Captain Errol Boyd. Atlantic Flyer. 1930.


 (below) arrivals from Palestine

 (below) Maurice Chevalier arrives from Paris.



 (above) Lady Delves Broughton leaving England in an Imperial Airway aeroplane bound for the Belgian Congo, on an expedition to obtain correct detail for the surroundings of a new group showing the Eastern gorilla in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. Plant specimens were required to complete the display which had already been mounted by Rowland Ward. Lady Broughton also intended to obtain photographs of the gorillas themselves. She had previously gone to Kisumu to visit the gorilla forests near Lake Kivu. Date 1931

 (below) 1931. Alex Kerensky Russian Revolutionary, leaving for Paris.


 (above) Mrs Spencer Cleaver and Captain Drew


 (below) Primo Carnera arrives at Croydon Airfield, 9 March 1932. Primo Carnera (1906-1967), the Italian boxer, was in London to fight the English boxer George Cook. Carnera, later to become the heaviest world champion heavyweight ever at 270 llbs, knocked Cook out in the fourth round. Out of a total of 102 fights Carnera won 88, of which 69 were knockouts.


 (above) The Prince Of Wales arriving from Sunningdale on the 1st of October 1932 On his way to Copenhagen to open the British Trader Exhibition.

 (above) the Prince of Wales departing for Copenhagen in 1932.


 (above) J.A.Dewar and his Fiance arriving. 1932

 (below) Warner Bro's Stars. 1932


 (above) The boxer Jack Doyle leaves for Fance on the 13th of January 1933.

 (above) 25 young New York girls known as 'The Midnight Follies', arrive from Paris via Imperial Airways on the 6th of October 1933 .

 (above) The Jack Hylton Band 1933. On the 15th of December the band played in the air over London, the programme was picked up by the BBC. This musical experiment was to test a new Post Office transmission apparatus.

 (below) 1934. Boarding before Playing 'Me and Jane in a plane'.

 (below) Miss Judy Kelly. 1933

 (below) Walter Hagen. the golfer. 1933.

 (below) The Earl and Countess of Warwick. 1933.


 (below). Josephine Baker arrives. 1933


 (below) Mrs Adey arrives after 4,000 miles. 1933

 (below) Richard Tauber arrives. 1933


 (above) Anthony Fokker. 1934

 (below) Prince George arriving 1934.

 (above) Pricess Helen Victoria greets Princess Ingrid of Sweeden at Croydon on her arrival at Croydon on the 29th of August 1934

 (above) 'Bellanca 28-70 Flash'. 'Irish Swoop'. 1934.

 (below) Lord and Lady Willington leave. 1934.