Flying Circus's & Displays

Sir Alan Cobham's Air Displays

In 1932 Alan Cobham started the National Aviation Day displays - a combination of barnstorming and joyriding. This consisted of a team of up to fourteen aircraft, ranging from single-seaters to modern airliners, and many skilled pilots. It toured the country, calling at hundreds of sites, some of them regular airfields and some just fields cleared for the occasion. Generally known as "Cobham's Flying Circus", it was hugely popular, giving thousands of people their first experience of flying, and bringing "air-mindedness" to the population. These continued until the end of the 1935 season.  Aviation Tours Ltd aircraft were usually used.

 Cobham's Flying Circus 1931


 The Wing Walkers

 (above and below) Harry Willis wing walking an 'Avro 504k' from Croydon in 1932

 (below) Martin Hearn wing walking an 'Avro 504k' from Croydon in 1932


 C.W.A. Scott's Flying Display

 (below) 1936. A Tiger Moth G-AOWG of 'C.W.A.Scott's Flying Display'.