Redwing Aircraft Co Ltd

 Previously known as the

 'Robinson Aircraft Company'

 In 1930 John Kenworthy had designed the Robinson Redwing at Croydon for flying clubs and private use. The Robinson Redwing aircraft were built at the Robinson Aircraft company based in Croydon. 1931 The Robinson Aircraft company at Croydon was reorganised as Redwing Aircraft Co and transferred to Colchester but only made two more planes. Later moved to Redhill to undertake contract work. Also in 1931 the Aircraft Disposal Co was reconstituted and became (part of) the Redwing Aircraft Co Ltd. In 1932, the designer & founder of the company John Kenworthy was appointed to the Board & the Aircraft Company moved the whole fleet of 12 aircraft to Gatwick. The aerodrome was also purchased & used as a new flying base. However, in 1934 the Redwing Aircraft Co., moved back to the Airport of London, Croydon. The Robinson Redwing was a British two-seat single-engined biplane light aircraft built in the UK in 1930. Twelve were produced, selling mostly to Clubs, only one aircraft is known to have survived.

 (above) Robinson Redwing. 1930

 (above) Redwing II. 1932

 (above) Redwing works hangar

 (below) advert of 1931


 (above and below) advertisements of 1934


 (above and below) SFS Redwings