Royal Mail

Page Two

Air Mail items of special interest from or to Waddon,Croydon Aerodrome and Airport

 (above) although neither to Croydon nor official Royal Mail 'Air Mail'. I thought it appropriate to show a copy here of the first known specimen mail to be carried by air in England, and to the first 'London Aerodrome' Hendon. Dated 1912.

 (above and below) Airmail via 'Handley Page Ltd' stamped 'Waddon Aerodrome' 25th of June 1923. It would have gone to Paris and then on to Zurich by train as the Zurich direct air service was not set up until August.

 (above) earliest Imperial Airways. July 1923 from the USA to 'Croydon Field'.

 (above) Croydon to Calcutta via flight to Karachi 1926

 (above) experimental night flight to Sweden. 1928

 (above) Croydon to Italy via flight to Karachi 1929

 (above) Eire to Croydon. 1929.

 (above) Croydon to Karachi 1929

 (above) India to Croydon 1929.

 (above and below) Karachi to Croydon. 1929. First Flight To Karachi

 (above) Galway to Croydon 1929

 (above) Night Flight to Berlin. 1930

 (above) Croydon to Australia via Burma 1931

 (above) Croydon to Uganda. 1931

 (above) Croydon to Capetown 1931

 (above) Croydon to Rangoon Burma via Australia link 1931

 (below) First airmail from Australia 1931


 (above) First Croydon - Northern Rhodesia. 1931

 (above) Delhi - Croydon 1931

 (above) Calcutta - Croydon. 1931

 (above) 1932 First Flight to South Africa

 (above) 1932 First Flight to Cyprus

 (above) Croydon to Bahrain 1932

 (above) 1932

 (above) South Africa to Croydon. 1932

 (above) to Capetown. 1932

 (above) to Canada. 1932

 (above and below) Baghdad to Croydon 1933

 (above) India 1933

(above) Karachi - Croydon - Berlin. 1933 

 (above) to Plymouth. 1933.

 (above) to Monmouth. 1933

 (above) to Liverpool. 1933

 (above) to Cornwall. 1933

 (above) Southampton. 1933

 (above) to Plymouth. 1933