Local regulations

 (above and below) the airport details from about 1930

1. An aeroplane must not landuntil it has made at not less than 100yds distance outside the boundary of the landing area, at least half of a complete left-handed (anti clockwise) circuit of the aerodrome, and must continue the circuit until landing can be affected without risk of collision.
 2. Whenever panels showing alternate red and white bars are displayed on the North and West sides of the control tower, no aircraft on the ground in the vicinity of Hangar 'C' (North side of the Aerodrome) may enter upon the landing area.
3. In conditions of no wind the landing 'T' will normaly be set to indicate that landings are to be made in the direction East-West, but it should be noted that on occasions when landings are being made with the assistance of a VHF radio beacon installation, a direction other than East-West may be indicated by the landing 'T'.
 4. During conditions of bad visibility a 'controlled zone' is instituted and aircraft may not depart from the aerodrome until the route to be followed through the zone has been agreed upon and the permission of the control officer has been obtained. Aircraft arriving may not enter the controlled zone until their route to the aerodrome has been agreed and the permission of the control officer obtained.
5. Pilots of private aircraft must report to the aerodrome communications office on landing and before take-off, in order that particulars of load, destination etc may be recorded.
 6. Owing to the danger of collision of aircraft taxying out on to the landing area, pilots should take all possible steps to having to land or take-off across or in the vicinity of the concrete and paved apron fronting the control tower.