Misc's items

 of interest related to the Airport or it's users


 (below) an airport timetable of 1929.

 (below) a three page letter describing a visit to the airport on Friday the 10th of January 1930.


 (above) a Penny viewing ticket issued on the 24th of August 1930. (below) September 1935

 (below) departures card May 1931

 (below) Anniversary card issued in 2003. Unfortunately the picture shows the wrong airport, it was the old Waddon airfield that opened in 1920. The one shown in the coloured picture wasn't built until 1928.


 (above) British Telecom Phone Card

 (below) a booklet of 'Airport Views', of the 1920's


 (above) Cigarette Case. 1935


 (above) Playing Card


 (above) Airport Masonic Lodge. 1935.

 (above) a novelty pullout

 1928 Croydon Airport masonic lodge founders badge


 (above) 'Airport Society' old badge.

 (above) Speedbird badge. 1940's

 (below) a card issued with Cadbury's Bourneville chocolate

  (above and below) front and back of a memorial invitation card of the 27th of October 1991.


 (above) German razorblades

 (Below) 1929 QSL Card.


 (below) an amteur young passenger's book from the 1930's.


 (below) Multiview postcard from the 1930's


 (below) Letter posted from the Aerodrome Box Office on the 1st of September 1936.


 (below) Beechams Air Tour booklet















 (below) a matchbox label from the 1930's